All the friends and colleagues called me the shorten name of Nelu instead of Nelumini. It became my pet name as well as popular among others. I got my first appointment as a secretary in private sector firm. Lot of happy memories gathered in my life since my first appointment. Meanwhile, I had to give resignation to my first job at age 29 for better prospectus of the future. I was sure my experience and qualifications would help me to find better place. While I was seeking a new job, I applied for Personal Secretary of leading well established company engaged with garment industry.
I believed the first appearance of an interview leads to get better perception of the interview board. Therefore, I dressed up with a sari as accepted official attire and put a knot behind the head by combing hair back tightly, because long visible neck is suitable for the dress like sari. Tiny little greenish slide on the knot was matched with the light green sari designed with dark green checks. Sari jacket was low cut neck with short sleeves and colour in dark green. Black beads necklace, earrings and shoes were suited to the dress too. Neat dressing and faire complex of me contrasted with extra beauty.
Although, I had experience in my carrier, I felt little bit nervous in front of the interview board. One senior director and two executives were in the panel. The director interrogated me while other two gentlemen examined the testimonials. Director had tough look and good personality. I guessed that he was passing mid fifties of his age. Other guys were young and smart.
Director’s questions were very straight and concise. I noticed while he was interrogating me, his eyes ran over my body with extra attention. Once I caught his eyes was gazing at the cleavage of my breast due to low cut neck of the jacket. I adjusted the sari to cover the opening. I ignored his sharp look because I had faced these kinds of things frequently in my life. I believed that attractive and well shaped figure of me brought me sexy look. I had self proud ness about my beauty because I had noticed, not only men even females gazed at me with admiring look mostly in public places.
The interview ended with typical answer of “We will inform you”. It passed one and half week without any response. I gave up the idea about the new job, but suddenly one Friday a call came to my hand phone with good news. I had been selected to the post and asked me to sign the agreement on Monday. I was happy because of prospects of the new place. All the weekend holidays used to purchase few cloths and stuffs needed.
I went to new place in time on Monday morning. Receptionist on the helping desk asked me to wait till receives a call to come in. One person accompanied me to the Director’s room. But door was closed. Nobody could open the door from outside. Anybody who wanted to meet him had to push the button on the door. I entered to the room and I heard the door closed automatically. It was a huge room with valuable luxury office wears. The director Mano seated behind the huge executive table. The coolness of the air conditioner gave me a freshness and chilly feelings.
“Good morning. May I come? Sir” I wish him politely.
He raised his left hand slightly and told “Sure” without looking at me. I sat on the seat in front of his table. He continued his work with a file without glancing at me. I felt that my heart beat was up and felt little scared of new environment. On the other hand I was lucky to have an opportunity to work in such an affluent office environment. Director’s room was located at 9 th floor of the building and it gave a good aerial view of the city through the blinds fixed on the windows.
He raised his face up and looked at me sharply. My fingers sought the strap of the hand bag which was on the table. I adjusted pink colour sari tail which was over the shoulder nervously.
“You are welcome to this office. First of all you will have to listen carefully about your duty. You have to work me. You know all the function of secretary’s and confidential personal assistant roll. The coordination is essential with buying offices and merchandizes. Actually I am really busy here. So I hope your assistance will help me to get rid off the stress of work as an office partner. Long hours and field visits are included in your duty.”
He explained the responsibility of the job with steady voice and very concise manner. But I was little bit confused with what he meant about an office partner. So I listened to his words with care to get an idea he expected.
“You know why I selected you. Your personality, beauty and figure appearance became added qualification for the selection. I hope you will help me to relax my mind after heavy days of office matters within these four walls. Therefore, I offered big salary with a car facility and other benefits.”
I analyzed the things that he disclosed. Sometime he meant his personal needs should be fulfilled by me. But he stressed that is only for this room. Therefore, I was unable come a conclusion that he proposed a wrong thing.
He raised his voice again. “Tell me if you like or not, no matter, you have to decide”
“No Sir, I agree to sign the agreement.” I replied him without showing nervousness in the mind. I signed the agreement with his wishes and determined to do the job with care for his entire satisfaction.
“Nelu” That was first time he called my name.
“You have to change your dressing pattern. Here after no sari. And I like the all appreciate me selecting a very cute luscious girl as a secretary. So I hope you will change accordingly into fast and show off figure.” His voice was commendable than request.
His suggestion made me happy thoughts because I thought that he was conventional type. However I realized that he liked to have a modern, sexy, fashionable secretary not only to work efficiently but to ease the pressure of business too as well as pleasing clients who came to his office.
There was a separate cubical with attached wash room for me. In addition to my room I had to work on the computer table which was in front of the director’s table facing him. Actually I was really happy about the working environment of this luxury office.
First and second week, I paid my entire attention to pick up the work. Boss appreciated me for picking up the work very soon. One day he asked me to work with the computer which was in front of him because it was easy to dictate letters. Hence I used to come to that table in afternoon when he was available for the office matters.
One evening he came to my table and just looked at the screen of my computer to see what I was typing.
“I think pink colour is suitable for you” I smiled with him as a reaction to his suggestion. But I got confused because I dressed up with blue colour tight mini skirt and white blouse with long sleeves. I guessed he might was colour blind. After tea time, I went to washroom to get a refresh. Then I rolled up the skirt and pulled down the panty to put pee. Immediately I just remembered the words that boss mention because I had worn pink colour panty. Definitely he had seen that I was wearing a pink panty through the open space of under the computer table. Even though I felt shy, I managed to behave without any change in front of him.
Hereafter I concerned about the keeping legs when I was working in front of him. Next day, he had noticed that I paid extra attention to keep the legs together not to expose things to his eye sight. In evening, he came to my desk and opened his mouth with steady voice.
“Nelu, listen carefully, I selected you at the interview and later I gave you instruction before signing the agreement because you are not merely secretary of me that is why I told you about an office partner scenario. Your smile, intelligent, beauty and sexy look are resources to this office. As you know, it is not easy thing to control a big office like this. Most of the time, I am under pressure with the business matters. So I expect to keep me out of the stress aggregate during the day. I don’t mean to keep you as casual partner. If I want that kind of life, I can go to richest night clubs in the town and pay highest charging whores. Think Nelu, you can please me and if you are not ready, better to leave the place.”
He finished the things with commendable voice and left the office remaining a big weight on my head. I was in great puzzle. Actually he had expected pleasant and free behaviors of me would reduce the pressure of his business life.
When I was on the bed at my compartment I determined to please him in the office using my good and sexy appearance as he wished. Therefore I had to pay extra attention on my dresses and costumes too. I knew he was busy in day time and almost out of the office in morning session. He used to get a relaxation in evening. Therefore, he thought to get involved me as a partner of his office with free behaviors beyond the official respects.
Next day, I dressed up with shortest mini skirt and with beautiful low cut neck blouse. In evening, when he was at the table, I went to my desk in front of him. I did my work as normal way thinking about my new task. Eventually, I opened up my thighs time to time to expose inside to get his attention. I caught his eyes one time were gazing at my crouch. I too got hot feelings of this exhibitionism and I loved it. Naturally, most of the women like to get attraction of opposite sex by exhibiting their parts of body such as boobs, buttocks, thighs and legs etc. But I had to do this purposely because it has become a duty of my job.
Boss came to my desk and told “Now, it is confirmed that you won’t leave the place and I appreciate white colour is also good for you” He went out with a smile on his face. However my effort had been succeeded and thanked to god of not seeing the wet patches on the panty. I was unable to think that why I got wet from this incident.
One evening, I wanted to meet him to get his signature for the business documents. With an intention of pleasing him, two top buttons of the blouse were unfastened and opened the collar to expose my breast. It was really provocative, grown boobs looked like jumping out because of low cut neck bra that I worn with the strap fixed close to armpits. When I was leaning over his desk, he could get clear view of my boobs and the cleavage of these twin chunks. He smiled and said good girl. After signing the documents he poked the pen between the boobs and told “Your pen is lucky” It made a laugh to both of us.
Sometime I purposely bent the body to find the files in the filling cabinets projecting my back to him. The view of my round hip and widen fair thighs with high heel shoes turned him on definitely. When I bent body over the cells of filling cabinets, sometime stretchy mini skirts went up to see the panty even. If he was happy, of all these things, he used the word “good girl”.
One day, after a heavy busy schedule he was sitting on his seat. I went to his desk to get the approval for some payments. After signing of documents, he looked direct at my eyes. “You know today is really big day for me, because I had to do hard work to get the approval of bank loan. So I hope that you will relax me”. I smiled with him and thought about how to please him. He was really crazy with women’s body appearance and nudity.
I went to my wash room. When I was front of the mirror I got an idea to do. I removed my yellow colour U neck blouse exposing maroon colour bra. Not only that, I took off the dark brown knee length tight skirt too. Normally, I didn’t wear underskirt after getting this new job. Panty was same colour as bra and very brief. T shape back and tiny triangle covered pubic area in front exposed almost all the thighs and round buttocks with fleshy bums. I adjusted slim shoulder straps of the bra to keep the boobs perfect and rose up the tiny waist band of the panty to look sexy. The image on the mirror was very luscious and sexy. Black high heels with straps brought additional look to my sexy appearance. I loosened the hair from the slide and let to fall around the shoulders. I was really look like a sex scandal in a play boy magazine.
I entered into his room with surely of nobody can come into his room because of remote door closer fixed to his table. I was crossing the room came up to my computer table. I just stared at him. His face had brightened with big smile. As usual I did typing and others office needs with this sexy attire. He came to my desk. “You are really pleasing me. Good girl. You are beautiful like Venus.” That was first time that he used so many words to appreciate me. But he never touched me as we had an agreement for that. He looked with utmost pleasure at every movement of me till he left the office. When he was leaving, he remembered me, not forgetting cloths before go home. We laughed together.
Few days went on without any significant. So I wanted to do something that he had banned to do. Very first day he told me that he didn’t like to see wearing saris. Therefore, I selected a reddish Kashmir sari with an elegant border on it. It was fully back opened thread crossing deep neck jacket. No needed bra, cups were fixed on to the jacket itself. I took long time to dress up in front of the mirror because I was afraid that he would scold me definitely.
I wrapped the sari around the hip just over the pubic area. Therefore, it exposed body shape and curves provocatively. Big belly button made good look for anybody to make their hot feelings. On that evening, I appeared in front of him with few files covering my bust. As I anticipated, his eyes were widened and made little smile on his lips.
“Wow, you are great.”
“Thanks Sir”
I walked back to the computer table. I knew his eyes were admiring lovely view of my features behind. I had noticed when I was walking booty cheeks swung side to side with an instinctive rhythm. Meanwhile, I heard his voice behind me.
“But you know you have violated one of my rules. So I will have to punish you.” I went back to his table with the doubt ness and fear. I kept files on the table. At the same time the tail of the sari slipped off the shoulder unveiling the bust area. I didn’t try to bring the tail as it was. I glanced at him timidly. His eyes had sharpened and brightened with my lustful appearance.
“Why don’t you ask about the punishment?”
“Sorry Sir, I don’t do again.” I apologized to him.
He laughed, looking at my timid face.
“Punishment is that you will have to fix a ring on your lovely belly button. When you do that, it will hurt you. That is the punishment I give you. But you made me really delighted by dressing up a sari. So I give you a gift voucher to buy a beautiful sari.” I laughed with big relief.
At the weekend, I had to find a place for piercing body jewelers. Fortunately, there was a place close to my compartment. That was a place for tattoos, body painting and piercing. A lady worker did it efficient way by fixing a very beautiful blue tassel on upper side of the naval. It was really hurting by pulling skin and piercing. That was very beautiful studded tassel hanging on the belly button. It took two to three days for healing the pain.
Next week, Boss went to Bangkok for business matters by assigning duties to follow on. I felt little boring because of his absent. There was an envelop cover on my table mentioning “Good Girl”. I hurried to open it. It was a big amount of gift voucher of leading sari shop. I really enjoyed with the happiness and the relationship with boss.
Next Monday morning, he came to office with happy mood because of successful business journey. He summoned me and asked the things related to office assignment. I did every thing as he wanted. He appreciated and gave me a present that he had brought from Bangkok. I thanked him for the present as well as gift voucher.
When he was out of the office, I took the parcel to see the gift. It was a very expensive perfume and a box with beautiful studded earring with tassels. I loved his admiration on me. He came back to office in evening to send some faxes and e-mails. While I was sending those he called my name.
“Yes Sir”
“Do you like the present that I gave you?”
“Yes sure, It is great, Thanks Sir.”
“I like if you wear the tassels now itself that I gave you.”
I puzzled with his request. I could wear those according the colour of dress tomorrow. Why he had such hurry. I went back to my cubicle while he was answering to the phone. I opened the drawer and took the box out. It was surprised me by seeing the illustrated instructions of the box. It was not mere tussles wear on the earrings. That was for wear on the nipples of boobs. Oh, my god, that was the reason for to see it today it self.
I went to wash room carrying the box and hurried to see this amazing gift never tried before. I removed white color blouse opening the front buttons and got freed boobs from black colour bra. Already, nipples were little bit harden with these hot feelings. I fondled the nipples with fingers and pulled till them got full erected. I took the tassels which had an adjustable loop and pushed nipple into the ring and tightened the loops. It was really fixed on both nipples. This costume turned me into very sexy image on the mirror. My feelings were so hot because the tassels on the boobs and the belly button had another. It was really amazing look with the contrast of skin fairness. It proved that he had a good taste of women’s out look.
Involuntary, my hands went back to find the zipper on the back of the skirt. It fell down on the floor revealing G-string red colour panty by making me very captivate look. The stiffen nipples remained as it was due to tightness of the loops. I was sure even boss would turned on by seeing me even his older age now. I waited for a while in front of the mirror to admire myself before pleasing boss.
When I was walking the tussles were jiggling according to the joggling of boobs. Pussy was also saturated with these hot feelings when I was reaching the computer table. Before I sat on the seat, his voice rose and I felt shy because of this unusual costume.
“Oh come on, come on and come here good girl”
I was etching with coy in front of him.
“My selection was perfect for you. I think, I am the luckiest boss in the business world.”
He took his luxurious mobile phone and got few photographs of me in several angels. Happy smile remained his face till departed from the office. I too really enjoyed that day. I remembered I did masturbate till I got several orgasms on the bed at night.
After few weeks of ordinary days, company came to land mark by acquiring another leading competitor in the field after great effort. Signing the agreement with new venture, director came to the office with enormous pleasure. When he was entering into the room called me to inform the news of merging with the other company and told me to arrange a press release too.
“My congratulation Sir” I shook his hand with wishes.
“Thank you good girl. But not only that, today make my feelings better.”
I nodded head with a smile. I was puzzled with his request. I had no idea to act upon his desire. But I wanted to do something before he left the office on this remarkable day of company. I was looking at the city through the vertical blinds of the window that was getting dark. I didn’t know that boss was also standing behind me.
“Nelu what are you thinking? Come we will have a coffee.” I followed him up to his table. He took the cups and saucers from the side return of the table and filled coffee into the cups. I sat on the chair facing him at his huge beautiful table.
“Nelu you know today is big day for me. I have been potential to reach this situation. So I like to see that you are standing on my table.” His voice was husky. He lent back to high back chair into comfortable posture. I realized what he was expecting. I got up on to the table using the chair that I seated.
I just felt little bit of proud that I was on the table of the most powerful person of the company. My dress was dark navy blue coat with white collar shirt and same colour mini blue tight skirt with black strapped high heel shoes. He was gazing at me. He could see my panty through the skirt easily.
He selected a music file on his desk top computer which was beside him. It was a romantic music file with good quality low sound. I moved my body side to side according to the beat of the music. While I was dancing, I opened two buttons on the coat with swinging the body rhythmically and finally removed the coat threw on to the floor. Next I pulled up the white long sleeves shirt from the waist band of the skirt. All these strip teasing did very slow manner to keep his attention and interest. His eyes were brightened with hidden desire of his mind. I unfastened the shirt buttons and opened up to expose my boobs. He was delighted by seeing the breast covered with white bra. I put my hands through the opening of the shirt and squeezed boobs casually. He was looking at me without winking his eyelids.
I turned body to show my back and removed the shirt off. Then I came to the skirt zipper to pull down. I slowly pushed down the tight skirt according to the music rhythm and showed round fleshy bums and milky thighs to meet his aspiration. Only white lace panty was still there hugging the cleavage of booty cheeks. I bent over widening legs to see the projected booty well. He was able to see the hanging boobs and tassel of the belly button through the space opened legs.
I turned again facing him and gave him most vulgarity position that he ever never seen before on his office table. I raised hands over the head and rearranged the hair style. It led to see well shaved armpits of me and I noticed his eyes ran over them.
Next, the fingers ran back to find the hook of white bra. I was fumbled with the hook due to aggregating excitement inside me. Although, I loosened the bra, I didn’t remove the cups from my melons. Holding cups over the boobs, I insisted of fake shy of me to show them. His eyes were widened with this sexy panorama. I just slipped of the bra and covered the boobs with my palm. He was delighted with every move of me. Without exposing my melons I turned again facing back to him.
Finally, my fingers reached on the waist band of the panty and pulled down little by little exposing my stark nudity. I took the damped panty with my sweetness into hand and covered pussy keeping on. Next, body turned into his side to give a perfect view of me as he anticipated. Trimmed pussy and firm boobs made his dick over charged in his trouser. The bulged dick was visible. I was happy about all the dirty things that I did to please him.
My clothes were laying every where on the floor. I uncovered pussy and threw panty on to his lap. He took the wet panty and started to inhale the sweetness of it. His faced showed the greatness of aroma belonged to female fluid. Meanwhile I was fondling and playing with boobs making the nipples get maximum erectness of sensation.
“Oh you are good girl and great” His breaths were high and voice looked stammering.
I lowered body down and squatted by keeping thighs together. He could get a close up view of my features as well as nudity. I opened the thigh in jiffy and closed it. He was etching on the seat with unbearable feelings. Again I slowly opened thighs to show him that how my pussy was got wet with seductive passion. I sat on the table and my toes stopped on his crotch. He liked the heels of shoes pushed on him even those were hard enough to hurt him.
He couldn’t stay calm further. His both hand wrapped around me and let me reach on to his lap. I kept my legs over the armrest of king size high back chair. He was crazy with my boobs. He took nipples into mouth and sucked. Feelings were like electric shock ran into deep inside. While he was suckling, his hands squeezed bums very delicately. He heard my groaning and gasping with utmost pleasure.
He kept me on the table again with care and started to tease my smooth thighs with his lips tenderly. He opened my legs to the maximum angle while my toes were resting at the edge of the table. He sat on the chair to taste the soup before the supper. He ran his tongue along the folds of pussy cleavage. It made great feeling with lust. I squirmed and tossed head side to side to bear this wondrous bliss. Sound of smacking heard over the music because he was really enjoying eating soaked pussy. Time to time he probed the pussy hole with his tongue. A loud cry of pleasure ran across the room.
“ohhhhh…my …..god..ahahahahhh….ohhhhhhhhhh..”
My clit was close to burst and breathing deepened like no point to turn back. He increased the intensity and his oral strokes hit me unmercifully. Simultaneously, he put his middle finger in my ass hole to make me wild. I arched nether area to response him. Happiness was unable describe in words.
He stopped for a moment and stood to remove his cloth. I was anxious to see his tool. I just raised my head. His chest was filled with body hair and I ran down eyes up to his crotch. Oh, it was huge tool with perfect erection. He had begun to brush the head of his dick against my pussy lips and clit. Red head got lubricated with gushing out nectar from the hole. Finally it reached to the entrance of tight passage. His delicate push let me to feel hotness of his rod. It went and went inside finding final destination. Wetness of the walls welcomed his tool and I felt pussy muscles wrapped around the staff.
His thrust made me to groan loudly. His hands gripped my thighs not to move. It was really enjoyment. My voice “ yes…yes..yes…oh…yes..” He was encouraged to continue. Music had stopped, only sounds were our groaning and heavy breathing. He stopped and took it out his tool for a while. But I was fondling with boobs myself to keep the warmness of love play. He reached me coming around the table and pulled me back letting to get his dick into mouth. It was really good, hot rod applied with my own sweetness. I dried off the wetness and did blowjob till his words came out “ good girl”.
He came to his final encounter entering me again. He became wild as I wished. It was really perfect intercourse. He accelerated his speed. I cried with pleasure. “oh my god….kill me…oooooohhhhhh…yes….yes…I ‘m coming….Sir…OHHHHHH”
He took out dick with a bigger groan and exploded his load splashing all over my body. “Oh ..Oh..good girl…” He discharged even last drop of his happiness. Still my pussy muscles were pulsing with great flow of pussy juice spreading over the luxury table of my boss. I applied all his cream over my boobs and tummy. Finally I tasted the sweetness licking fingers.
“You are really good girl. But I violated agreement by touching you. You know, you can punish me now”. I smiled with him for appreciation.
Showing posts with label Adult Story Marathi Hindi English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adult Story Marathi Hindi English. Show all posts
Boss Called Me Good Girl
Monday, February 6, 2017
Bhaya Na Assingnment Bana Kar Di
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Hi Friends… I am Madiha. ma apko btati chalo k yeah kahani meri apni hay jo mere sath 1 saal pahle biti..
ma 2 bahiyo ki ak behan huin. meri umar 20 saal hay lakin jism bhari bhari aur kafi sexy hay
mere figures bht bara bara hain haas tur peer mere boobs aur meri gand bht ubri ubri hay mere ran sanwla hay. ata hain khani ki taraf.
Ma asi larki nahi thi na hi muje sex ka shok tha yaha taak k college ma larkian jab sex ki batain kri tu muja bura lagta.. aur ma unko rook dati balka gusa karti. inshort ma bhat sharif larki thi lakin hua kuch yuin mere mamu ka beta hay jisko sare saan khte hain ma bcs kar rahi huin tu es silsla ma muja assignment banani parti muja kuch has tujrba nahi tha aur meri english b weel thi so ma na bhaya sa kaha k mja assinment bana do woh muja bana deta.
uska ghar aur mera ghar bilkol sath sath hain aur humne ak darwaza apna chaat per bana rakha hay jaha sa hum ak 2ra k ghar ata jate hain
woh assignment aksar laptop pa banata aur net b usi pa use krta tha aur jab kbi muje zrorat hoti tu woh laptop ma uski ejazat k bgar utha lati aur aksar net connect kar lati muja net use krna ka itna pata nai tha baas site wgera ki had takk khol lati.
ak din jab mane net connet kia tu adress bar pa click kia tu waha ak site pa click kia muja nai pata tha k woh kia hay bus jab woh siti khulna ki daar thi mere tu hosh urh gaye nangi larkiyan aur marduin ki tasveerain dakh kar muja bara ajeeb sa laga mana mard ka Lun pahli baar dekha tha.
un pics ma mane pahle band kar di lakin phir dill kia dakhte hain kia hota hay mana woh site dobara kholi aur dakhna lagi muja pata nai ku thora thora acha lagna laga aur kafi dar dakhti rahi muja meri shlwar begi begi mehsos hue mana hath lagaya tu meri phuddi pani sa beag chuki thi mana shlwar ka andar usko saaf krna ka liya hath dala jasa hi mera hath meri choot k sath takraya mere jism ma carant dorna laga mana hath hata diya aur dobara rakha tu phir asa hua muja maza ah raha tha mana hath rakh kar malish shoro kar di aur aram aram sa ak ungli apni choot ma dali tu ma mast ho gayi aur meri ankahin band ho chuki thi aur pata nai kab pani nikla. aur muja bhat skoon mila mana fata fat laptop band kia aur naha kar kapre change kia aur laptop uske room ma rakah aye.
phir ma sochna lagi ka bhaya yeah sab dakhta hain mana dill hi dill ma socha kisi roz dakhuin gi woh laptop pa karte kia hain.
esi tara waqt guzrta giya ak roz muje moka mil gya ma lapop uthana gaye tu dakha bhaya apne room ma hain aur unhuin na shrat utari hue thi. bhaya bodybuilding krte tha jiski waja sa unka jism bht smart tha aur kafi khubsorat ma picha hat kar chup ka dakhna lagi.bhai laptop pa kuch parh raha tha achanak unhuin na pant ki zip kholi aur apna Lun nikal kar ragarna laga yeah sab dakh kar muja acha b laga aur bura b acha es liya k bhaya ka lun bht bara tha aur bura es liya k ma apna bhaya beshak saga nahi lakin khti tu bhaya thi na ko nanga dakh rahi huin ma foran waha sa hat gayeaur apna room ma ja kar sochna lagi har thori dar bad gaye tu bhaya ko ghar sa bahir nikalte dakha mana foran laptop uthaya aur apna ghar apna room ma chali gaye waha ja kar net conect kia u site dakhna lagi jo bhaya dakhte tha tu woh ak sexy stories ki site thi mana storis parhni shoro kar di aur phr muja bhaya ka kyal ana laga site ma bohat ki ciusen ki chodai ki kahanyain thi jo muja achi lag rahi thi.
thori dar bad meri ami mere room ki taraf aye tu mana laptop fatofat bad kia. Ammi na kaha tum kiun uska laptop utha lati hoo usa pata chala tu woh zameen asman ak kar daga.
ma foran rakhna gaye aur rakah kar wapis ah hi rahi thi ka meri cousen khna lagi aoo ludo ki ak gam khal lain ma uska sath beath kar khalna lagi tu bhaya b ah gaye woh b sath sath khalna laga gae khalna k doran mana note kia k bhaya mere mumu ko dakh raha hain kiun k jab b ma jukti tu woh mere sina ma dakhte har thori dar khlna ka bad ma ghar ah gaye aur unk bare ma sochna lagi ma ajeeb kash makash ma thi k kia kruin har.
2 3 din bad raat ko ma unka ghar gae tu us raat bhir barish ho rahi thi aur kafi sardi thi bhaya bole aoo ludo ki ak game khalte hain mana forah hain kar di aur mre 2 cousen aur bhaya khalna laga sardi ki waja sa hum logo na razai la lihumari tanguin pa razai thi aur hum 4 ak hi razai ma gol daira ki surat ma betha hua tha darmyan ma ludo thi.
byaha ka pao mere pao sa takrat muja acha laa mana unki taraf dakha tu woh bilkol anjan bana betha tha mana kuch na kia aur woh pao mere pao a ragarna laga ma b khmosh rahi
aur na chahta hua b mere pao thora khul gae unhuin na apni tang mere 2 pero ka darmyan dali aur ahsta hsta aga krna laga yeah sab woh es hoshyari k sath kar raha tha k baki 2 ko pata b na chala aur unka pao thk mere choot ka samna ah gya uar usa woh touch krna laga muja b acha lag raha tha mana apna hath razai k andar dal kar unka pao pakra tu jasa woh gabra gae unhuin na meri taraf dakha mana halki si smile di tu woh thora thk hua aur aram aram sa apna kam jari rakha..esi doran light off ho gaye sabko bht gusa aya saan bhaya bole sare isi tra betha raho. hum beath kar batain krna laga ini dar ma chote cousn nomi ko mami na awas i tu woh chala gya aur alya b bath room ki tarf gaye ma aur bhaya akele betha hua tha ..thori dar khamoshi ka bad bhaya bole assignment ka kitna num mila tu mana ka 9/10 tu bole good dakah meri assignment fit hoti hay na ma boli ji hain.
unhuin na dobara pao pa zorr lagaya tu meri siskari nikal gaye ku k ma ma bhat garam ho chuki thi bhaya bole kia hua mana kaha kuch nai tu unhuin na dobara asa kia tu mre muin sa phr ahh ki awaz nikli tu unhuin na apna hath mere ang pa rakh diya ma kuch na boli unhuin na apna hath aram aram sa pharna shoro kar diya muja bht acha lag rha tha..woh uth kar mere paas ah kar beath aur meri thaes pa hath parna laga muja acha lag raha tha woh bole Madi bura tu nai lag rha ma khamosh rahi.
tu woh mere eshara smaj ae aur meri shlwar k andar hath dal diya mana kaha koi ah jae ga tu woh bole kuch nahi hota.. aur mere mumy dabana shoro ho gaye ma maze sa pagal hoo rahi thi k achanak kisi ka ana ki awaz ae aur mana kaha koi ah raha hay woh foran uth gaye aur apni jaga beath gae.
phir ma waha sa uth kar apna ghar chali gaye aur puri raat agg ma jalti rahi suba ankah khuli tu nashta kar ka mamu k ghar gae tu bhaya chaat par khara tha muja dakh kar unka chahra pa ronak ah gaye aur paas ah kar bole tum bath room ma ao unka chat pa ak bath room hay jiske 2 darwaze hain. ak room ma khulta hay 2ra balkoni ma ma balkoni k darwaze sa andar ae aur woh 2ra sa ah gya andar ah kar usne darwaze lock kar k muja pakar lia mana kaha muja dar lag raha hay tu bola kuch nai hota. usne muja kiss karna shoro kar diya aur mere mumy dbana laga. ma mad shoh ho gaye usne muja bath k farash pa lata diya aur uper ah kar muja kissing krna laga.. aur apni shart utar di aur meri tanguin ka darmiyan hath pharna laga..
phir khna laga betho ma uth kar beath gae usne meri kamiz utari aur brzaee b aur mere mumy muin ma daal kar cusna laga…ma tu nasha ma pagal ho rahi thi..kahna laga madi tumhare doodh tu bhat pyare enko kha jao ga.. aur paglo ki tara chhat raha tha..uska lamba Lun muja touch ho raha tha mane uski pant ki zip kholi aur uska lun bhair nikal kar pakar liya.. usna kaha esko muin ma dalo phla tu muja sharam aye lakin jab usne zabardasti dala tu muja acha lagna laga mana sara lun muin ma daal diya aur usa chusna lagi uska muin sa ajeb ajeb awazain nikal rahi thi..phir unne meri shlwar utari aur meri tangain khol kar apni unglyuin ko hoo laga kar meri phudi ma daal di. muja bhat maza aya aur mana usko kaha Lun dalo na..
usne meri tangain kholi aur apna Lun meri choot pa rakh ka jatka mara.. uska lun ki topi abi andar hue thi ka meri chinkh nikal gae usna foran towel mere muin ma dal diya aur ak zor dar jatka mara aur uska 8″ lumba lum meri masoom choot ma gus chuka tha ma nicha roo rahi thi lakin usko sharam na aye aur janwaruin ki tara chood raha tha.. dhira dhira mera dard maza ma bdalta giya aur muja skoon ana laga aur ma choot utha utha kar uska sath da rahi thi…thori dar bad ma farag ho gaye lakin woh abi b jatke mar raha tha k achanak usne apna lun nikala aur mere choot ka uper farag ho gya usne pani meri choot ka uper gira diya aur usko mere uper mal diya. phir usne muja kissing ki aur khna laga kapre pahan lo mana kapre pahan liay aur darwaze sa bahir nikal ayee.
ma 2 bahiyo ki ak behan huin. meri umar 20 saal hay lakin jism bhari bhari aur kafi sexy hay
mere figures bht bara bara hain haas tur peer mere boobs aur meri gand bht ubri ubri hay mere ran sanwla hay. ata hain khani ki taraf.
Ma asi larki nahi thi na hi muje sex ka shok tha yaha taak k college ma larkian jab sex ki batain kri tu muja bura lagta.. aur ma unko rook dati balka gusa karti. inshort ma bhat sharif larki thi lakin hua kuch yuin mere mamu ka beta hay jisko sare saan khte hain ma bcs kar rahi huin tu es silsla ma muja assignment banani parti muja kuch has tujrba nahi tha aur meri english b weel thi so ma na bhaya sa kaha k mja assinment bana do woh muja bana deta.
uska ghar aur mera ghar bilkol sath sath hain aur humne ak darwaza apna chaat per bana rakha hay jaha sa hum ak 2ra k ghar ata jate hain
woh assignment aksar laptop pa banata aur net b usi pa use krta tha aur jab kbi muje zrorat hoti tu woh laptop ma uski ejazat k bgar utha lati aur aksar net connect kar lati muja net use krna ka itna pata nai tha baas site wgera ki had takk khol lati.
ak din jab mane net connet kia tu adress bar pa click kia tu waha ak site pa click kia muja nai pata tha k woh kia hay bus jab woh siti khulna ki daar thi mere tu hosh urh gaye nangi larkiyan aur marduin ki tasveerain dakh kar muja bara ajeeb sa laga mana mard ka Lun pahli baar dekha tha.
un pics ma mane pahle band kar di lakin phir dill kia dakhte hain kia hota hay mana woh site dobara kholi aur dakhna lagi muja pata nai ku thora thora acha lagna laga aur kafi dar dakhti rahi muja meri shlwar begi begi mehsos hue mana hath lagaya tu meri phuddi pani sa beag chuki thi mana shlwar ka andar usko saaf krna ka liya hath dala jasa hi mera hath meri choot k sath takraya mere jism ma carant dorna laga mana hath hata diya aur dobara rakha tu phir asa hua muja maza ah raha tha mana hath rakh kar malish shoro kar di aur aram aram sa ak ungli apni choot ma dali tu ma mast ho gayi aur meri ankahin band ho chuki thi aur pata nai kab pani nikla. aur muja bhat skoon mila mana fata fat laptop band kia aur naha kar kapre change kia aur laptop uske room ma rakah aye.
phir ma sochna lagi ka bhaya yeah sab dakhta hain mana dill hi dill ma socha kisi roz dakhuin gi woh laptop pa karte kia hain.
esi tara waqt guzrta giya ak roz muje moka mil gya ma lapop uthana gaye tu dakha bhaya apne room ma hain aur unhuin na shrat utari hue thi. bhaya bodybuilding krte tha jiski waja sa unka jism bht smart tha aur kafi khubsorat ma picha hat kar chup ka dakhna lagi.bhai laptop pa kuch parh raha tha achanak unhuin na pant ki zip kholi aur apna Lun nikal kar ragarna laga yeah sab dakh kar muja acha b laga aur bura b acha es liya k bhaya ka lun bht bara tha aur bura es liya k ma apna bhaya beshak saga nahi lakin khti tu bhaya thi na ko nanga dakh rahi huin ma foran waha sa hat gayeaur apna room ma ja kar sochna lagi har thori dar bad gaye tu bhaya ko ghar sa bahir nikalte dakha mana foran laptop uthaya aur apna ghar apna room ma chali gaye waha ja kar net conect kia u site dakhna lagi jo bhaya dakhte tha tu woh ak sexy stories ki site thi mana storis parhni shoro kar di aur phr muja bhaya ka kyal ana laga site ma bohat ki ciusen ki chodai ki kahanyain thi jo muja achi lag rahi thi.
thori dar bad meri ami mere room ki taraf aye tu mana laptop fatofat bad kia. Ammi na kaha tum kiun uska laptop utha lati hoo usa pata chala tu woh zameen asman ak kar daga.
ma foran rakhna gaye aur rakah kar wapis ah hi rahi thi ka meri cousen khna lagi aoo ludo ki ak gam khal lain ma uska sath beath kar khalna lagi tu bhaya b ah gaye woh b sath sath khalna laga gae khalna k doran mana note kia k bhaya mere mumu ko dakh raha hain kiun k jab b ma jukti tu woh mere sina ma dakhte har thori dar khlna ka bad ma ghar ah gaye aur unk bare ma sochna lagi ma ajeeb kash makash ma thi k kia kruin har.
2 3 din bad raat ko ma unka ghar gae tu us raat bhir barish ho rahi thi aur kafi sardi thi bhaya bole aoo ludo ki ak game khalte hain mana forah hain kar di aur mre 2 cousen aur bhaya khalna laga sardi ki waja sa hum logo na razai la lihumari tanguin pa razai thi aur hum 4 ak hi razai ma gol daira ki surat ma betha hua tha darmyan ma ludo thi.
byaha ka pao mere pao sa takrat muja acha laa mana unki taraf dakha tu woh bilkol anjan bana betha tha mana kuch na kia aur woh pao mere pao a ragarna laga ma b khmosh rahi
aur na chahta hua b mere pao thora khul gae unhuin na apni tang mere 2 pero ka darmyan dali aur ahsta hsta aga krna laga yeah sab woh es hoshyari k sath kar raha tha k baki 2 ko pata b na chala aur unka pao thk mere choot ka samna ah gya uar usa woh touch krna laga muja b acha lag raha tha mana apna hath razai k andar dal kar unka pao pakra tu jasa woh gabra gae unhuin na meri taraf dakha mana halki si smile di tu woh thora thk hua aur aram aram sa apna kam jari rakha..esi doran light off ho gaye sabko bht gusa aya saan bhaya bole sare isi tra betha raho. hum beath kar batain krna laga ini dar ma chote cousn nomi ko mami na awas i tu woh chala gya aur alya b bath room ki tarf gaye ma aur bhaya akele betha hua tha ..thori dar khamoshi ka bad bhaya bole assignment ka kitna num mila tu mana ka 9/10 tu bole good dakah meri assignment fit hoti hay na ma boli ji hain.
unhuin na dobara pao pa zorr lagaya tu meri siskari nikal gaye ku k ma ma bhat garam ho chuki thi bhaya bole kia hua mana kaha kuch nai tu unhuin na dobara asa kia tu mre muin sa phr ahh ki awaz nikli tu unhuin na apna hath mere ang pa rakh diya ma kuch na boli unhuin na apna hath aram aram sa pharna shoro kar diya muja bht acha lag rha tha..woh uth kar mere paas ah kar beath aur meri thaes pa hath parna laga muja acha lag raha tha woh bole Madi bura tu nai lag rha ma khamosh rahi.
tu woh mere eshara smaj ae aur meri shlwar k andar hath dal diya mana kaha koi ah jae ga tu woh bole kuch nahi hota.. aur mere mumy dabana shoro ho gaye ma maze sa pagal hoo rahi thi k achanak kisi ka ana ki awaz ae aur mana kaha koi ah raha hay woh foran uth gaye aur apni jaga beath gae.
phir ma waha sa uth kar apna ghar chali gaye aur puri raat agg ma jalti rahi suba ankah khuli tu nashta kar ka mamu k ghar gae tu bhaya chaat par khara tha muja dakh kar unka chahra pa ronak ah gaye aur paas ah kar bole tum bath room ma ao unka chat pa ak bath room hay jiske 2 darwaze hain. ak room ma khulta hay 2ra balkoni ma ma balkoni k darwaze sa andar ae aur woh 2ra sa ah gya andar ah kar usne darwaze lock kar k muja pakar lia mana kaha muja dar lag raha hay tu bola kuch nai hota. usne muja kiss karna shoro kar diya aur mere mumy dbana laga. ma mad shoh ho gaye usne muja bath k farash pa lata diya aur uper ah kar muja kissing krna laga.. aur apni shart utar di aur meri tanguin ka darmiyan hath pharna laga..
phir khna laga betho ma uth kar beath gae usne meri kamiz utari aur brzaee b aur mere mumy muin ma daal kar cusna laga…ma tu nasha ma pagal ho rahi thi..kahna laga madi tumhare doodh tu bhat pyare enko kha jao ga.. aur paglo ki tara chhat raha tha..uska lamba Lun muja touch ho raha tha mane uski pant ki zip kholi aur uska lun bhair nikal kar pakar liya.. usna kaha esko muin ma dalo phla tu muja sharam aye lakin jab usne zabardasti dala tu muja acha lagna laga mana sara lun muin ma daal diya aur usa chusna lagi uska muin sa ajeb ajeb awazain nikal rahi thi..phir unne meri shlwar utari aur meri tangain khol kar apni unglyuin ko hoo laga kar meri phudi ma daal di. muja bhat maza aya aur mana usko kaha Lun dalo na..
usne meri tangain kholi aur apna Lun meri choot pa rakh ka jatka mara.. uska lun ki topi abi andar hue thi ka meri chinkh nikal gae usna foran towel mere muin ma dal diya aur ak zor dar jatka mara aur uska 8″ lumba lum meri masoom choot ma gus chuka tha ma nicha roo rahi thi lakin usko sharam na aye aur janwaruin ki tara chood raha tha.. dhira dhira mera dard maza ma bdalta giya aur muja skoon ana laga aur ma choot utha utha kar uska sath da rahi thi…thori dar bad ma farag ho gaye lakin woh abi b jatke mar raha tha k achanak usne apna lun nikala aur mere choot ka uper farag ho gya usne pani meri choot ka uper gira diya aur usko mere uper mal diya. phir usne muja kissing ki aur khna laga kapre pahan lo mana kapre pahan liay aur darwaze sa bahir nikal ayee.
Meri chudai ki kahani - Hindi sex story
Sunday, February 23, 2014
i friends,m sidhe story p aati hu,Yeh 2 saal pahle ki baat hai, mai tab 12th class mai padti thi. Meri umar 17 saal thi, ht 5ft 1inch thi, mera badan najuk tha mera size 33/26/34 tha, mere boobs chote the, main gori thi, mere baal bahut lambe aur ghane kaale the. Meri ek badi bahan thi jiski shadi 2saal pahle ho chuki thi. Ab mai apne maa baap ki ekloti ladki thi, mummy paapa ke alwa hamari dadi bhi saath rahti thi. Hum 1st flr par rahte the aur niche ke floor par hamne 2 kiraydaar rekhe hu the. Niche floor mai ek teacher bhi rahte the “shivam mishra”jinse mai tuetion padhti thi. Wo 32-33 saal ke the, unke 2bacche aur biwi saath rahti the. Shivam ji ki mai bahut respect karti thi, aur kabhi socha bhi nahi tha wahi wo honge jo mujhe pahli baar chodenge. Halanki school mai bahut ladke mujhe line marate the, par mai bahut darti thi. Meri ek saheli thi “nisha”, usko uska padosi ladka kai baar chod chuka tha. Aur wo mujhe sab kuch batati thi. Mera man bhi bahut karta tha, par dar bahut lagta tha. Sorry sayad tum boreho rehe hoge ab mai aage batati hu
Shivam mujhe maths padathe, maine kai baar note kia tha ki wo mere badan ko bahut ghurte the. Par maine kabhi waisa nahi socha tha. Ek baar mujhe unhone ek magazine di aur kaha anju ise akle mai padana kisi ko mat batana. Us din me pura bekraar rahi, raat ko maine apne kamre mai wo magazine kholi to dang rah gai usme chudai ki tasveere thi, bilkul nangi. Main bilkol laal ho gai…maine ek-ek tasveer dekh daali. Mere poore badan mai aag si phal gai. Itne mai phone ki ring baji, maine phone uthya to shivam the. Anju kaisi lagi kitab, meri to aawaj hi nahi nikal rahi thi. Wo bole anju, ghabrao nahi mai tumhe aise hi maje doonga. Kisi ko batana mat. Agle din tuetion main mai unse aankh nahi mila paa rahi thi. Aur wo mujhe smile de rahe the. Us raat phir 12baje unka phone aaya, wo bole anju phone ki tone kam kardo, koi sun na le. Phir wo bole tune kabhi kiss kiya hai. Maine kaha “nahi”.
“kya? Wow mai tumhe kiss karoo.” Maine kaha “nahi plz”"accha phone par to kar sakte hai” aur wo mujhe manane lege, aur gigidane lege. Akhhir maine kaha “ok phone par kar lo”"unhone phone par mujhe lambi si kisssss ki.” Main garam hone lagi thi ek ajeeb si sihran mere pure badan mai dodne lagi.wo bole”ye tere hote par, ter gore gaalo par….kiss…tere mummo par, teri patli kamar par….”Main bilkul laal ho gai thi”teri chut par” chut sonte hi main kapane lagi. Wo bole tu ab mujhe kiss kar, miane mana kar diya, wo phir request karne lage. Maine kaha “ok, lo kissss”"hi meri urmila (main thodi urmila ki tarah dikhti hu), i love you”"wo bole kahan par ki hai, maine kaha “lips par” wo bole “plz mere lund par karna…kitna taras raha hai tere hote se choswane ke liye”main to pagal ho gai..mere kaano mai jaise garam loha dal dal gaya ho…….aur maine phone rakh diya. Baad main ring kai baar baji par maine nahi uthya. Us raat main so na saki. Agle din maine yeh sab nisha ko bataya, wo to mushkara di kahane lagi “tu cheez hi aisi hai ki koi bhi pagal ho jaaye..bechara shivam, sun wo experienced he khub maje dega..ek baar chudwa kar dekh to sahi”
Us din mai tuetion nahi gai, raat ko 12baje phir shivam ka phone aaya, wo phone par maphi maangne lega. Mera dil bhi pasij gaya, maine kaha “main naraz nahi hu, its ok”. He become happy, “kya hum phone par to kar sakte hai” usne mujhe manaya, mai maan gai. Phir usne mujhe 30minute tak phone par sexual baaten ki. Aisi gandi gandi garam babtain ki mai 2baar jhad gai. Aur wo tab tak baaten karta raha jab tak maine unhe 5 real lips kisses dena ka promise nahi kar diya. Agle din unki biwi aur bacche gaon chale gaye, ab wo room main akle rahte the. Raat ko unhone mujhe phone kiya aur room main aane ko kaha, mai nahi maani aur kaha, “agar tumne aur kuch bhi kiya to”. Unhone kasam khai aur kahan “meri jaan, bas 5kiss karoonga, aur kuch nahi, promise”. Baad me, mai maan gai aur apne room ko dheere se band karke niche ground floor par unke room ke bahar aa gai, halke se darwaja khula aur unhone mujhe hath pakar kar andar kheech liya. Andar bilkul andhera tha. Unhone darwaja andar se band kiya. Aur usne mujhe deewar ke sahare khada kar diya, aur mere hoton ko chumne lega, dheere dheere bite karte hue wo mere lips chusne laga, unki juban mere dato par dabaw daal rahi thi, meh samajh gai wo mere mumah me apni juban dalna chahte hai, mujhe bahut sharam aa rahi thi aakhir maine apna muh khol diya aur unki juban mere muh me aa gai, unhone meri juban ko kas liya aur suck karne lage…mai to pagal si ho gai, jaise janant kaa mazza aa raha ho, mujhe nahi maloom tha ki itna mazza aata hai, jab kissing me itna mazza hai to us sab me kitna hogo….wo mujhe suck kiye ja rahe the, phir maine mahsoos kiya unke haath meri peeth par chal rahe the, aur unhone mujhe apni aur kas liya tha ab main unse chipki hui thi, unka garam badan aur saanse main mahsoos kar rahi thi…phir unka baya haath meri waist par ruk gaya, aur baya haath dheere se mere baayi chuchi par aa gaya..
Meri to saans hi ruk gai, main poori tarah se kaanp gui, aur maine kasmasakar unko hatane ki nakam kosise ki, par unhone mujhe kas ke dabocha hua tha…maine kahan,”please ruk jaao, pleeeeeeeeeee”. Aur wo ruk gay kaha, “kya hua”. Maine kahan, “please inhe haath mat lagao”, “hamari sirf kiss tak thi, ye to bahut jyada hai, mai yah sab nahi karoongi…….please”"mujhe jaane do” wo bole, “ok baba, kiss ki thi to paanch kiss to do…..abhi to ek hui hai” par main nahi maani, aakhir wo manate rahe, kareeb 10 minute tak manate rahe aur rone bhi lage, mujhe baad me taras aa gaya aur main sirf chaar baanki kiss ke liye tyar ho gai. Unhone mera face apne haatho me liya aur mere lower lips ko chusne lage…chuste rahe karreb 3-4minute tak main betaab ho gai, unhone mere haath ko pakad kar apne kandhe par rakh kar lapet liya, meri chuchiya unki jhati se sat gai thi, aur phir unhone apne haatho ko meri peeth par pharna suroo kar diya, phir isi tarah se karte hu unhone phir se mujhe french kissinng me uljha liya…main poori tarah se kho gai, phir unhone kahan ki mai deewar ki taraf muh kar ke khadi ho jau, main maan gai ab main deewar ki taraf thi aur meri peeth unki taraf thi, unhone phir meri waist par haath rakh kar mere kaan ke neeche jeebh se chatne lage, main pagal ho gai, itna mazza aa raho tha, phir dheere-2 unhone neck par bites karni soori ki, main ahhae bahrne lagi thi….unhone mere kaan me kahan kaha, “anju meri jaan, tu bahut namkeen hai, i luv u”, mai sirf “shivvvvvvvvam” hi kah saki ki maine mahsoos kiya meri ass ke beecho beech unka wo garam loha laga hua tha, aur i think wo mere pheeche beena under wear ke lage hu the, mujhe dar bhui laga aur accha sa laga, mai excite si ho gai, aur apni gaand unki taraf kar di taaki unka wo theek se adjust ho sake. Unke haath ab dheere se meri salwar ke naade par aa gaya unhone mujhe kiss karte hua ek jhatke se meri salwar khol di, meri salwar neeche gir gai, toorant hi unhone meri kacchhee bhi kas ke pakad le aur utarne lage, ab meri nangi gaand par unka lund laga hua tha, phir unhone meri kameez uparki maine bhi sahuliyat ke liye haath upar kar diye, meri kameez utarne ke baad unhone piche se meri bra ka hook bhi khol diya, aur ek jhatke se meri bra hataa kar dur phak di, main to sharam se laal ho gai, pahli baar kisi mard ke saamne nangi ho rahi thi. Wo to room mai andhra tha warna to main mar jaati. Phir unhone mere peeche se hi mere boobs ko pakad liya aur malne lage, unhone nipples ko masalna start kiya tho main cry karne lagi, par unhe koi parwa nahi thi bulki mujhe deewar ke sahare kas ke daboocha hu tha, meri gaand par unka lund sataa hua tha, aur mere boobs unki muthi me the unhone ungli aur anguthe ke beech mere niplees ko badardi se masal rahe the. Main pagal si ho gai thi, 10 minute baad unhone mujhe chhodo aur bed par baitane ko kaha, main baith gai unhone bed ke side wala lampshade on kar diya, jaise hi rosni hui main apne badan ko chupane lagi aur chadar kheech kar apni aur karne lagi, par unhone wo chadar phak di..
Main ek kabootri ki tarah apne shikari ke samne thi, aur wo mujhe upar se niche tak nihar rahe the unka lamba tana hua lund mere samne tha maine sharama kar aankhe band kar li, unhone kahan, “anju anakhe kholo aur isko pyar karo, pakdo”, “nahi please”unhone jabardasti mere haatho ko apne lund par rakh diya, “pata hai yeh 8 inchi lamba, aur 3inchi chodo hai”, “chal sali ise muh me le, meri randi’. Randi sunte hi maine turrant aankhe khol di aur gusse se unko dekha, wo samajh gay, bole yaar sex main rude hona padta hai tabhi to mazza hai. “chal chus ise, chat kulfi ki tarah, dekhna aur tun jayega”, “nahin, plz…ye nahi aur kuch bhi kahoge karoongi par muh me nahi, please”, wo mayush ho gay. “koi baat nahi jaan, chal ab let ja”aur mai let gai ab wo kahde hue the mai bed par aadhi leti hui thi mere legs jammi par the, unhone mere legs pakad kar phela liye, aur apne lund ki topi meri chut ke upar rakh di, “anju jaan, thora dard hoga…please”, maine haa mai sar hila diya aur unhone ek jahtka diya unka aadha topa meri chut phadta hua andar ghus gaya, main dard se chila uthi aur rone lagi, wo ruk gaye aur, meri gaand utha kar ek gol takaya niche rakh diya, ab meri chut thoda upar ho gai thi, wo mere upar jhuk gay mere hoto ko apne muh me le kar, lund ka ek jor daar jhatka diya, meri cheekh hi nikal te nkal te rah gai,
Unhone mere hoto ko apne hoto se seal kar rahkha tha, par me dard se karha rahi thi, aur wo ruk gay the, unka aadha lund ghus chuka tha, 2-3 minute ke bad unhone dheere dherre andar bahar karna start kiya, main abhi bhi dard se mari ja rahi thi, phir ruk kar unhone kahaa, “saali agar tu muh me le leti to lund chikna ho jata aur tujhe ab itna dard nahi hota, ab sukha le…” aur thoda ruk kar ek jordar jhatka diya, sanasanata pura lund meri chut mai ghuss gaya, ab wo nahi ruke aur mujhe chodne lage, bijli ki tarah unka lund andar bahar aa raha tha, aur mai dard se tadap rahi thi, 8-10 minute ke baad mujhe bhi khub mazza aane laga maine apne legs unki kamar par kanchi ki tarah kas diye aur main bhi ab gaand utha utha kar rythem dene lagi, wo bole, “sabash rani, ab tu randi ho gai hai”. Main is doran 3-4 baar chut chuki thi, aur wo the ki rukne ka naam nahi tha. 15-16 minute chodne ke bad, unhone mujhe ghodi ban jane ko kaha, mai uth kar farash par aa gai aur ghodi style me ho gai, unhone meri kamar pakad kar apna lund peeche se meri chut me daal diya, mujhe phir dard hone laga, par unhone mujhe smajhaaya ki baada me mazza aayega ye sab se achchi style hai (meri shehali bhi yehi kahti thi). Main maan gai aur peeche push kar kar ke rythem milane lagi, 10-12 minute ke baad wo meri chut me jehad gaye. Is tarah se hum dono poori tarah thak chuke the. Aur saath saath let gay…..unhone mujhe pyar se chumma…thodi der baad unhone mujhe ek goli di, kahan ye khale tu pregnant nahi hogi, ab mai samjhi unhone condom kyo nahi lagaya tha…
Kuch der baad unhone mujhe khan “anju aur mazza legi”, aur unhone apna lund jo ki phir khada ho gaya tha mere hath me de diya, “please ise pyar karo”. Maine kahan “nahi ye sab mujhe accha nahi lagata, aap iske siva kuch bhi kahenge mai karrongi”"thik hai, ab mujhe tumhari gaand chaiye” main dar gai “nahi”par unhone mujhe ulta kiya aur meri gaand par apna lund tika diya, mai samajh chuki thi ab mujhe gaand deni hi padegi (meri saheli bhi gaand marwa chuki hai, kahti thi ki ke kuch mard ki hawas isi se shant hoti hai) yeh soch kar mai maan gai ki jab inhone mujhe itna mazza diya he to main bhi inko kyo naa khush karu. Aur maine apni gaand unke lund ki taraf adjust kar di, ab main neeche pait ke bal leti hui thi aur wo mere upar lete hue the unka lund meri gaand par tika tha, unhone phir se 2 takiye liye aur mere stomach ke neeche rakh diye, ab meri gaand upar ho gai thi unhone mere gaand ke ched par thuk lagaya aur lund tika diya, phir ek gahri sanns li aur dheere-2 lund ghusane lage, unka topa hi andar ja saka, par meri cheekh nikalne wali thi… unhone phir thuk lagaya aur try kiya lekin wo nahi gaya.
Main bhi cheekh rokne ke liye danto se apne lower lips ko bheech rakha tha. Abke unhone mujhe ghodi style me kiya aur lamp shed ki light adjust kar di, ab meri gaand ka ched unhe saaph nazar aa raha tha, unhone phir thuk lagaya aur lund ko ched pe tika ke meri kamar pakad kar teji se dhaka diya …cheeeeeeerrrrrrrrr.. Unka aadhe se jyada lund ghus gaya tha……phir wo nahi ruke….andar-bahar—aur mera rona nikal raha tha, par mazza bhi bahut aane laga……kareeb15minute baad wo ruke aur andar hi nikal diya…is tarah raat ke 3baj chuke the, maine apne kapade pahne aur apne room main chali gai…agle din main bistar se uth bhi nahi saki, main school nahi gai, fever ka bahane maar kar leti rahi. Raat ko phir 11baje unka phone aaya, laakh kosis ke bawjood main apne ko rok nahi saki, aur unke room main phir aa gai…that night he shown me a xxx of sucking lund , unhone aakhir mujhe manahi hi liya, and i had to give him blowjobs….yah sab agle 6 raat tak chala, unhone mujhe khub pyar diya, har tarah se, har style me mujhe chodo.. .unhone mujhe bistar ke saath baandh kar bhi sex kiya…. 7 din baad unki wife aa gai… aur hamine wo sab rokna pada… baad me unhone apne ek dost ke flat ka intzaam kiya, par hum 3-4baar hi kar paye. Phir unki biwi ko pata chal gaya aur wo chale gaye, phir koi contact nahi kiya… par main aaj tak unhe nahi bhuli halanki baad me mere 2boy friend bhi bane par un me wo baat nahi thi
Shivam mujhe maths padathe, maine kai baar note kia tha ki wo mere badan ko bahut ghurte the. Par maine kabhi waisa nahi socha tha. Ek baar mujhe unhone ek magazine di aur kaha anju ise akle mai padana kisi ko mat batana. Us din me pura bekraar rahi, raat ko maine apne kamre mai wo magazine kholi to dang rah gai usme chudai ki tasveere thi, bilkul nangi. Main bilkol laal ho gai…maine ek-ek tasveer dekh daali. Mere poore badan mai aag si phal gai. Itne mai phone ki ring baji, maine phone uthya to shivam the. Anju kaisi lagi kitab, meri to aawaj hi nahi nikal rahi thi. Wo bole anju, ghabrao nahi mai tumhe aise hi maje doonga. Kisi ko batana mat. Agle din tuetion main mai unse aankh nahi mila paa rahi thi. Aur wo mujhe smile de rahe the. Us raat phir 12baje unka phone aaya, wo bole anju phone ki tone kam kardo, koi sun na le. Phir wo bole tune kabhi kiss kiya hai. Maine kaha “nahi”.
“kya? Wow mai tumhe kiss karoo.” Maine kaha “nahi plz”"accha phone par to kar sakte hai” aur wo mujhe manane lege, aur gigidane lege. Akhhir maine kaha “ok phone par kar lo”"unhone phone par mujhe lambi si kisssss ki.” Main garam hone lagi thi ek ajeeb si sihran mere pure badan mai dodne lagi.wo bole”ye tere hote par, ter gore gaalo par….kiss…tere mummo par, teri patli kamar par….”Main bilkul laal ho gai thi”teri chut par” chut sonte hi main kapane lagi. Wo bole tu ab mujhe kiss kar, miane mana kar diya, wo phir request karne lage. Maine kaha “ok, lo kissss”"hi meri urmila (main thodi urmila ki tarah dikhti hu), i love you”"wo bole kahan par ki hai, maine kaha “lips par” wo bole “plz mere lund par karna…kitna taras raha hai tere hote se choswane ke liye”main to pagal ho gai..mere kaano mai jaise garam loha dal dal gaya ho…….aur maine phone rakh diya. Baad main ring kai baar baji par maine nahi uthya. Us raat main so na saki. Agle din maine yeh sab nisha ko bataya, wo to mushkara di kahane lagi “tu cheez hi aisi hai ki koi bhi pagal ho jaaye..bechara shivam, sun wo experienced he khub maje dega..ek baar chudwa kar dekh to sahi”
Us din mai tuetion nahi gai, raat ko 12baje phir shivam ka phone aaya, wo phone par maphi maangne lega. Mera dil bhi pasij gaya, maine kaha “main naraz nahi hu, its ok”. He become happy, “kya hum phone par to kar sakte hai” usne mujhe manaya, mai maan gai. Phir usne mujhe 30minute tak phone par sexual baaten ki. Aisi gandi gandi garam babtain ki mai 2baar jhad gai. Aur wo tab tak baaten karta raha jab tak maine unhe 5 real lips kisses dena ka promise nahi kar diya. Agle din unki biwi aur bacche gaon chale gaye, ab wo room main akle rahte the. Raat ko unhone mujhe phone kiya aur room main aane ko kaha, mai nahi maani aur kaha, “agar tumne aur kuch bhi kiya to”. Unhone kasam khai aur kahan “meri jaan, bas 5kiss karoonga, aur kuch nahi, promise”. Baad me, mai maan gai aur apne room ko dheere se band karke niche ground floor par unke room ke bahar aa gai, halke se darwaja khula aur unhone mujhe hath pakar kar andar kheech liya. Andar bilkul andhera tha. Unhone darwaja andar se band kiya. Aur usne mujhe deewar ke sahare khada kar diya, aur mere hoton ko chumne lega, dheere dheere bite karte hue wo mere lips chusne laga, unki juban mere dato par dabaw daal rahi thi, meh samajh gai wo mere mumah me apni juban dalna chahte hai, mujhe bahut sharam aa rahi thi aakhir maine apna muh khol diya aur unki juban mere muh me aa gai, unhone meri juban ko kas liya aur suck karne lage…mai to pagal si ho gai, jaise janant kaa mazza aa raha ho, mujhe nahi maloom tha ki itna mazza aata hai, jab kissing me itna mazza hai to us sab me kitna hogo….wo mujhe suck kiye ja rahe the, phir maine mahsoos kiya unke haath meri peeth par chal rahe the, aur unhone mujhe apni aur kas liya tha ab main unse chipki hui thi, unka garam badan aur saanse main mahsoos kar rahi thi…phir unka baya haath meri waist par ruk gaya, aur baya haath dheere se mere baayi chuchi par aa gaya..
Meri to saans hi ruk gai, main poori tarah se kaanp gui, aur maine kasmasakar unko hatane ki nakam kosise ki, par unhone mujhe kas ke dabocha hua tha…maine kahan,”please ruk jaao, pleeeeeeeeeee”. Aur wo ruk gay kaha, “kya hua”. Maine kahan, “please inhe haath mat lagao”, “hamari sirf kiss tak thi, ye to bahut jyada hai, mai yah sab nahi karoongi…….please”"mujhe jaane do” wo bole, “ok baba, kiss ki thi to paanch kiss to do…..abhi to ek hui hai” par main nahi maani, aakhir wo manate rahe, kareeb 10 minute tak manate rahe aur rone bhi lage, mujhe baad me taras aa gaya aur main sirf chaar baanki kiss ke liye tyar ho gai. Unhone mera face apne haatho me liya aur mere lower lips ko chusne lage…chuste rahe karreb 3-4minute tak main betaab ho gai, unhone mere haath ko pakad kar apne kandhe par rakh kar lapet liya, meri chuchiya unki jhati se sat gai thi, aur phir unhone apne haatho ko meri peeth par pharna suroo kar diya, phir isi tarah se karte hu unhone phir se mujhe french kissinng me uljha liya…main poori tarah se kho gai, phir unhone kahan ki mai deewar ki taraf muh kar ke khadi ho jau, main maan gai ab main deewar ki taraf thi aur meri peeth unki taraf thi, unhone phir meri waist par haath rakh kar mere kaan ke neeche jeebh se chatne lage, main pagal ho gai, itna mazza aa raho tha, phir dheere-2 unhone neck par bites karni soori ki, main ahhae bahrne lagi thi….unhone mere kaan me kahan kaha, “anju meri jaan, tu bahut namkeen hai, i luv u”, mai sirf “shivvvvvvvvam” hi kah saki ki maine mahsoos kiya meri ass ke beecho beech unka wo garam loha laga hua tha, aur i think wo mere pheeche beena under wear ke lage hu the, mujhe dar bhui laga aur accha sa laga, mai excite si ho gai, aur apni gaand unki taraf kar di taaki unka wo theek se adjust ho sake. Unke haath ab dheere se meri salwar ke naade par aa gaya unhone mujhe kiss karte hua ek jhatke se meri salwar khol di, meri salwar neeche gir gai, toorant hi unhone meri kacchhee bhi kas ke pakad le aur utarne lage, ab meri nangi gaand par unka lund laga hua tha, phir unhone meri kameez uparki maine bhi sahuliyat ke liye haath upar kar diye, meri kameez utarne ke baad unhone piche se meri bra ka hook bhi khol diya, aur ek jhatke se meri bra hataa kar dur phak di, main to sharam se laal ho gai, pahli baar kisi mard ke saamne nangi ho rahi thi. Wo to room mai andhra tha warna to main mar jaati. Phir unhone mere peeche se hi mere boobs ko pakad liya aur malne lage, unhone nipples ko masalna start kiya tho main cry karne lagi, par unhe koi parwa nahi thi bulki mujhe deewar ke sahare kas ke daboocha hu tha, meri gaand par unka lund sataa hua tha, aur mere boobs unki muthi me the unhone ungli aur anguthe ke beech mere niplees ko badardi se masal rahe the. Main pagal si ho gai thi, 10 minute baad unhone mujhe chhodo aur bed par baitane ko kaha, main baith gai unhone bed ke side wala lampshade on kar diya, jaise hi rosni hui main apne badan ko chupane lagi aur chadar kheech kar apni aur karne lagi, par unhone wo chadar phak di..
Main ek kabootri ki tarah apne shikari ke samne thi, aur wo mujhe upar se niche tak nihar rahe the unka lamba tana hua lund mere samne tha maine sharama kar aankhe band kar li, unhone kahan, “anju anakhe kholo aur isko pyar karo, pakdo”, “nahi please”unhone jabardasti mere haatho ko apne lund par rakh diya, “pata hai yeh 8 inchi lamba, aur 3inchi chodo hai”, “chal sali ise muh me le, meri randi’. Randi sunte hi maine turrant aankhe khol di aur gusse se unko dekha, wo samajh gay, bole yaar sex main rude hona padta hai tabhi to mazza hai. “chal chus ise, chat kulfi ki tarah, dekhna aur tun jayega”, “nahin, plz…ye nahi aur kuch bhi kahoge karoongi par muh me nahi, please”, wo mayush ho gay. “koi baat nahi jaan, chal ab let ja”aur mai let gai ab wo kahde hue the mai bed par aadhi leti hui thi mere legs jammi par the, unhone mere legs pakad kar phela liye, aur apne lund ki topi meri chut ke upar rakh di, “anju jaan, thora dard hoga…please”, maine haa mai sar hila diya aur unhone ek jahtka diya unka aadha topa meri chut phadta hua andar ghus gaya, main dard se chila uthi aur rone lagi, wo ruk gaye aur, meri gaand utha kar ek gol takaya niche rakh diya, ab meri chut thoda upar ho gai thi, wo mere upar jhuk gay mere hoto ko apne muh me le kar, lund ka ek jor daar jhatka diya, meri cheekh hi nikal te nkal te rah gai,
Unhone mere hoto ko apne hoto se seal kar rahkha tha, par me dard se karha rahi thi, aur wo ruk gay the, unka aadha lund ghus chuka tha, 2-3 minute ke bad unhone dheere dherre andar bahar karna start kiya, main abhi bhi dard se mari ja rahi thi, phir ruk kar unhone kahaa, “saali agar tu muh me le leti to lund chikna ho jata aur tujhe ab itna dard nahi hota, ab sukha le…” aur thoda ruk kar ek jordar jhatka diya, sanasanata pura lund meri chut mai ghuss gaya, ab wo nahi ruke aur mujhe chodne lage, bijli ki tarah unka lund andar bahar aa raha tha, aur mai dard se tadap rahi thi, 8-10 minute ke baad mujhe bhi khub mazza aane laga maine apne legs unki kamar par kanchi ki tarah kas diye aur main bhi ab gaand utha utha kar rythem dene lagi, wo bole, “sabash rani, ab tu randi ho gai hai”. Main is doran 3-4 baar chut chuki thi, aur wo the ki rukne ka naam nahi tha. 15-16 minute chodne ke bad, unhone mujhe ghodi ban jane ko kaha, mai uth kar farash par aa gai aur ghodi style me ho gai, unhone meri kamar pakad kar apna lund peeche se meri chut me daal diya, mujhe phir dard hone laga, par unhone mujhe smajhaaya ki baada me mazza aayega ye sab se achchi style hai (meri shehali bhi yehi kahti thi). Main maan gai aur peeche push kar kar ke rythem milane lagi, 10-12 minute ke baad wo meri chut me jehad gaye. Is tarah se hum dono poori tarah thak chuke the. Aur saath saath let gay…..unhone mujhe pyar se chumma…thodi der baad unhone mujhe ek goli di, kahan ye khale tu pregnant nahi hogi, ab mai samjhi unhone condom kyo nahi lagaya tha…
Kuch der baad unhone mujhe khan “anju aur mazza legi”, aur unhone apna lund jo ki phir khada ho gaya tha mere hath me de diya, “please ise pyar karo”. Maine kahan “nahi ye sab mujhe accha nahi lagata, aap iske siva kuch bhi kahenge mai karrongi”"thik hai, ab mujhe tumhari gaand chaiye” main dar gai “nahi”par unhone mujhe ulta kiya aur meri gaand par apna lund tika diya, mai samajh chuki thi ab mujhe gaand deni hi padegi (meri saheli bhi gaand marwa chuki hai, kahti thi ki ke kuch mard ki hawas isi se shant hoti hai) yeh soch kar mai maan gai ki jab inhone mujhe itna mazza diya he to main bhi inko kyo naa khush karu. Aur maine apni gaand unke lund ki taraf adjust kar di, ab main neeche pait ke bal leti hui thi aur wo mere upar lete hue the unka lund meri gaand par tika tha, unhone phir se 2 takiye liye aur mere stomach ke neeche rakh diye, ab meri gaand upar ho gai thi unhone mere gaand ke ched par thuk lagaya aur lund tika diya, phir ek gahri sanns li aur dheere-2 lund ghusane lage, unka topa hi andar ja saka, par meri cheekh nikalne wali thi… unhone phir thuk lagaya aur try kiya lekin wo nahi gaya.
Main bhi cheekh rokne ke liye danto se apne lower lips ko bheech rakha tha. Abke unhone mujhe ghodi style me kiya aur lamp shed ki light adjust kar di, ab meri gaand ka ched unhe saaph nazar aa raha tha, unhone phir thuk lagaya aur lund ko ched pe tika ke meri kamar pakad kar teji se dhaka diya …cheeeeeeerrrrrrrrr.. Unka aadhe se jyada lund ghus gaya tha……phir wo nahi ruke….andar-bahar—aur mera rona nikal raha tha, par mazza bhi bahut aane laga……kareeb15minute baad wo ruke aur andar hi nikal diya…is tarah raat ke 3baj chuke the, maine apne kapade pahne aur apne room main chali gai…agle din main bistar se uth bhi nahi saki, main school nahi gai, fever ka bahane maar kar leti rahi. Raat ko phir 11baje unka phone aaya, laakh kosis ke bawjood main apne ko rok nahi saki, aur unke room main phir aa gai…that night he shown me a xxx of sucking lund , unhone aakhir mujhe manahi hi liya, and i had to give him blowjobs….yah sab agle 6 raat tak chala, unhone mujhe khub pyar diya, har tarah se, har style me mujhe chodo.. .unhone mujhe bistar ke saath baandh kar bhi sex kiya…. 7 din baad unki wife aa gai… aur hamine wo sab rokna pada… baad me unhone apne ek dost ke flat ka intzaam kiya, par hum 3-4baar hi kar paye. Phir unki biwi ko pata chal gaya aur wo chale gaye, phir koi contact nahi kiya… par main aaj tak unhe nahi bhuli halanki baad me mere 2boy friend bhi bane par un me wo baat nahi thi
เคญाเคญी - เฅจ
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
เคตเคนिเคฆा เคฎเคงเคฒ्เคฏा เคाเคณाเคค เคฆुเคฌเคเคฒा เคाเคเคจ เคเคฒी. เคชเคฃ เคเคฒ्เคฏाเคชाเคธुเคจ เคคिเคी เคฎाเคी เคเคเคฆाเคนी เคญेเค เคตा เคจिเค เคฌोเคฒเคฃเคนी เคाเคฒं เคจाเคนी. เคเคฐเคตी เคเคฎ्เคนी เคฐोเค เคญेเคเคฃाเคฐे เคिเคฎाเคจ เคเค เคคเคฐ เคिเคธ เคेเคคเคฒ्เคฏाเคถिเคตाเคฏ เคจ เคोเคชเคฃाเคฐे เคชเคฃ เคฏा เคตेเคณेเคธ เคนे เคธเคเคณं เคฅांเคฌเคฒं เคนोเคคं. เคฆुเคฌเคเคตเคฐुเคจ เคฏेเคคाเคจा เคคिเค्เคฏा เคธोเคฌเคค เคจเคฃंเคฆ เคต เคธाเคธु เคเคฒी เคนोเคคी. เคคเคฐी เค
เคงे เคฎเคงे เคเคाเคฆा เคธเคฎเคธ เคिंเคตा เคซोเคจ เคต्เคนाเคฏเคाเค เคชเคฃ เคคिเคं เคुंเคฌเคจ เคेเคคเคฒ्เคฏाเคฒा เคฌเคฐेเค เคฆिเคตเคธ เคเคฒเคเคฒे เคนोเคคे.
เคฎी เคฐोเคเค्เคฏा เคธाเคฐเคं เคธाเคฏंเคाเคณी เฅฎ เคตाเคเคคा เคเค เคฐเคฎ เคा เคंเคฌा เคेเคเคจ เคเคฐी เคเคฒो. เคตเคนिเคฆा เคคเคฐ เคธाเคธु เค
เคธेเคชเคฐ्เคฏंเคค เคนाเคคी เคฒाเคเคฃाเคฐ เคจเคต्เคนเคคीเค. เคฆोเคจ เคाเคฐ เคจिเคณे เคธिเคจेเคฎे เคเคฃเคฒे เคนोเคคे. เคฐเคฎเคा เคชेเคฒा เคญเคฐเคฒा, เคจिเคณा เคธिเคจेเคฎा เคाเคฒु เคเคฐुเคจ เคฎเคธ्เคคเคชैเคी เคตเคนिเคฆाเค्เคฏा เคธ्เคตเคช्เคจाเคค เคฐंเคुเคจ เคฐเคฎเคा เคเค เคเค เคोเค เคฐिเคเคตเคค เคนोเคคो.
เคเค เคฆीเคก เคคाเคธाเคชाเคธुเคจ เคนे เคाเคฒु เคนोเคคं. เคฌाเคนेเคฐเค्เคฏा เคฆाเคฐाเคต เคुเคฃीเคคเคฐी เคฌेเคฒ เคตाเคเคตिเคฒी. เคाเคเคจ เคฌเคเคคो เคाเคฏ เคคเคฐी เคตเคนिเคฆा. เคฆाเคฐ เคเคเคกुเคจ เคฎेเคจाเคा เคชुเคคเคณा เคจिเคฐเคเคค เคนोเคคो.....
“เค्เคฏु, เค्เคฏा เคเคฒ เคฐเคนा เคนै.......?”
“เคुเค เคจเคนी เคกाเคฐ्เคฒिंเค, เคคेเคฐी เคฏाเคฆ เคฎे เคคाเคฐे เคिเคฃเคे เคเคคเคฎ เคนुเค เค
เคฌ เคธเคฎंเคฆเคฐเคी เคฌाเคฐी เคนै”
เคตเคนिเคฆा เคฆाเคฐाเคคเค..
เคเค เคैเคธे เค्เคฏा เคฐाเคธ्เคคा เคญเคเค เคเคฏी....
เคคीเคจी เคฏा เคช्เคฐเคถ्เคจाเคं เคเคค्เคคเคฐ เคจ เคฆेเคคा เคฎाเค्เคฏा เคเคณ्เคฏाเคค เคนाเคค เคाเคฒเคค เคฎाเค्เคฏा เคเคฐाเคं เคฆाเคฐ เคฒोเคเคฒं. เคฎाเค्เคฏा เคฎाเคจेเคค เคนाเคค เคाเคฒुเคจ เคคीเคे เคฆोเคจ्เคนी เคเค เคฎाเค्เคฏा เคเค ांเคตเคฐ เค ेเคตเคฒे. เคฎी เคคीเค्เคฏा เคเคฎเคฐेเคค เคนाเคค เคाเคคเคฒा. เคเคตเคณ เคเคขुเคจ เคเค ांเคा เคाเคตा เคेเคคเคฒा.
เคฆाเคฐुเคी เคिंเค เคคिเค्เคฏाเคชुเคขे เคซिเคी เคชเคกเคฒी. เคเคคा เคเคฐी เคिंเค เคเคงเคค เคนोเคคी.
เคธांเคธु เคฎा.....?
เคตो เคเคเคนी เคฆिเคฒ्เคฒी เคเคฏी, เคฌเค्เคे เคญी เคธाเคฅ เคเคฏे, เคฆो เคฆिเคจเคฎे เคฎै เคญी เคाเคंเคी เคฆो เคนเคช्เคคो เคे เคฒिเคฏे.
เคนे เคธเคเคณं เคฌोเคฒเคจं เคाเคฒु เค
เคธเคคाเคจा เคฎी เคคीเค्เคฏा เคชोเคฒเค्เคฏाเคे เคนुเค เคธोเคกเคตเคค เคนोเคคो, เคคी เคฎाเค्เคฏा เคชॅंเคเคฎเคงे เคนाเคค เคाเคฒुเคจ เคฌाเคฌुเคฐाเคต เคนाเคคाเคค เคงเคฐเคฒा เคนोเคคाเค.
เคคीเคे เคฆोเคจ्เคนी เคธ्เคคเคจ เคเคคा เคฎाเค्เคฏा เคिเคญेเคฒा เคเคธ्เคตाเคฆ เคฆेเคค เคนोเคคे. เคเคคा เคฌाเคฌुเคฐाเคต เค
เคงिเค เคเคกเค เคนोเค เคฒाเคเคฒा. เคฎी เคเคชเคฒा เคเคญाเค เคคिเคे เคธ्เคคเคจ เคคोंเคกाเคค เคेเคเคจ เคेเคณเคค เคนोเคคो. เคจ เคฐเคนाเคตुเคจ เคคी เคฅोเคกंเคธं เคฎाเค เคธเคฐเคเคฒी. เคฆोเคจ्เคนी เคुเคกเค्เคฏांเคตเคฐ เคฌเคธुเคจ เคฌाเคฌुเคฐाเคต เคนाเคคाเคจी เคเคตเคณ เคเคขเคฒा. เคคीเคจी เคธ्เคตเคค:เค เคฎाเคा เคฌाเคฌुเคฐाเคต เคคोंเคกाเคค เคोंเคฌुเคจ เคेเคคเคฒा เคนोเคคा. เคฎी เคฎाเคค्เคฐ เคเคคा เคคीเค्เคฏा เคคोंเคกाเคฒा เคเคตเคค เคนोเคคो. เคช्เคฐเคค्เคฏेเค เคธ्เคोเคเคจी เคคीเคी เคฅोเคกी เคฎाเคे เคขเคเคฒเคฒी เคाเคค เคนोเคคी. เคชเคฃ เคคीเคฒा เคฌाเคฌुเคฐाเคต เคเคเคกเคฃ्เคฏाเคค เคธ्เคตเคฐ्เคเคธुเค เคฎिเคณे. เคฆเคนाเคเค เคฎिเคจเคं เคคोंเคกाเคी เคเคตाเคเคตी เคाเคฒ्เคฏाเคตเคฐ เคคीเคฒा เคเคเคฒुเคจ เคธเคฐเคณ เคฌेเคกเคฐुเคฎเคงे เคจेเคฒं. เคฌेเคกเคตเคฐ เคธเคฐเคณ เคोเคชเคตुเคจ เคคीเคे เคฆोเคจ्เคนी เคชाเคฏ เคซाเคเคตिเคฒे. เคเค เคฌोเค เคाเคเคฃ्เคฏाเคค เคตेเคณ เคฆเคตเคกाเคฏเคी เคเค्เคा เคนोเคค เคจเคต्เคนเคคी. เคाเคฐเคฃ เคฌเคฐเคฏाเค เคฆिเคตเคธाเคจी เคตเคนिเคฆा เคจाเคเคกी เคนोเคเคจ เคฎाเค्เคฏा เคฌेเคกเคตเคฐ เคชเคกเคฒी เคนोเคคी. เคธเคฐเคณ เคเคชเคฒा เคฌाเคฌुเคฐाเคต เคคीเค्เคฏा เคฏोเคจीเคตเคฐ เค ेเคตเคฒा. เคเคคा เคुเคธเคกเคฃ्เคฏाเคเคงी เคฆोเคจ เคคीเคจ เคตेเคณा เคฏोเคจीเคตเคฐ เคจुเคธเคคाเค เคเคกเค เคเคกเค เคฌाเคฌुเคฐाเคต เคाเคธु เคฒाเคเคฒो. เคฌाเคฌुเคฐाเคตเค्เคฏा เคเคฐ्เคทเคฃाเคจी เคฌเคฏो เคिเคค्เคाเคฐु เคฒाเคเคฒी. เคถेเคตเคी เคเคเคฆाเคं เคฌाเคฌुเคฐाเคต เคคीเค्เคฏा เคญोเคाเคค เคोเคฐाเคค เคुเคธเคกเคตुเคจ เคฆिเคฒा. เคตเคนिเคฆा เคिंเคाเคณเคฒी.
เคเค เคฎाเคा เคฌाเคฌुเคฐाเคต เคเคคा เคคीเคा เคชोเคा เคซाเคกเคค เคเคคा เคฌाเคนेเคฐ เคนोเคค เคนोเคคा. เคคी เคช्เคฐเคค्เคฏेเค เคธ्เคोเคเคตเคฐ เคเค เคเคจंเคฆाเคा เคिเคค्เคाเคฐ เคธोเคกुเคจ เคฎเคฒा เคธ्เค्เคฐोเค เคोเคฐाเคค เคฎाเคฐाเคฏเคฒा เคญाเค เคชाเคกเคค เคนोเคคी. เคคीเคे เคฆोเคจ्เคนी เคธ्เคคเคจ เคนाเคคाเคจी เคเค्เค เคฆाเคฌुเคจ เคงเคฐเคฒे เคต เคाเคฒी เคคीเคी เคญोเคाเคค เคฌाเคฌुเคฐाเคต เคुเคธเคกเคค เคนोเคคा. เคเคเคต्เคฏा เคนाเคคाเคा เคฌोเค เคคीเค्เคฏा เคคोंเคกाเคค เคฆिเคฒा. เคคी เคเคคा เคฌोเค เคोเคเคค เคนोเคคी เคต เคाเคฒी เคธ्เค्เคฐोเค เคाเคฒु เคนोเคคे. เคนे เคฆाเคนेเค เคฎिเคจिเค เคाเคฒเคฒं เคต เคเคเคฆाเคं เคญोเคाเคค เคซเคต्เคตाเคฐा เคธोเคกเคฒा. เคคीเค्เคฏा เค
ंเคाเคตเคฐ เคชเคกुเคจ เคชाเค เคฆเคนा เคฎिเคจเคं เคจुเคธเคคी เคाเคाเคाเคी เคेเคฒी เคต เคเค เคฐाเคंเคก เคธंเคชเคฒा.
เคฆोเคेเคนी เคฌाเคงเคฐुเคฎเคฎเคงे เคाเคเคจ เคงुเคตुเคจ เคชुเคธुเคจ เคชเคฐเคค เคฌेเคกเคฐुเคฎเคฎเคงे เคเคฒो, เคเค เคเคชเคกे เคाเคฒाเคฏเคे เคจเคต्เคนเคคेเค. เคฐเคฎเค्เคฏा เคฌाเคเคฒीเคเคฆे เคนाเคค เคเคฐुเคจ เคाเคฏ เคเคนे เค
เคธं เคตिเคเคฐเคฒं.
เคฎी เคฒเคेเค เคคीเคฒा เคคเคธเค เคเคเคฒुเคจ เคนॉเคฒ เคฎเคงे เคจेเคฒं เคต เคฐเคฎเคा เคเค เคชॅเค เคญเคฐเคฒा.
“เคฏे เคฐเคฎ เคนै, เคเคธे เคชिเคจेเคธे เคुเคฆाเคเคฎे เคเคฐ เคฎเคा เคเคฏेเคा, เคเคฒ เคตเคนिเคฆा เคเค เคुเค เคฎाเคฐ”
-เคจเคนी เคฎुเคे เคฆाเคฐु เคชिเคจे เคी เคเคฆเคค เคจเคนी เคนै.
-เคुเค เคจเคนि เคนोเคคा เคฏाเคฐ, เคชिเคे เคคो เคฆेเค.
-เคจเคนी, เคคुเคฎ เคชिเค, เคฎै เคฌैเค เคคी เคนु.
เคเคธเคฒं, เคฌैเค เคคी เคนु, เคเค เคคเคฐ เคคी เคฎाเค्เคฏाเคชुเคขे เคจाเคเคกी เคตเคฐुเคจ เคคीเคे เคฆोเคจ्เคนी เคंเคฌे เคฎเคงे เคฎเคงे เคคोंเคกाเคค เคेเคคाเคจा เคฎाเคा เคฌाเคฌुเคฐाเคต เคชเคฐเคค เคเคธเคณ เคฎाเคฐाเคฏเคा. เคฎी เคฎाเคा เค्เคฒाเคธ เคซुเคฒ เคญเคฐเคฒा, เคตเคนिเคฆाเคฒा เคฎांเคกीเคตเคฐ เคेเคเคจ เคคीเค्เคฏा เคเค ाเคं เคुंเคฌเคจ เคाเคฒु เคेเคฒं.
เคเคคा เคเคฎ्เคนी เคฆोเคेเคนी เคตिเคตเคธ्เคค्เคฐ เคธोเคซ्เคฏाเคตเคฐ เคฌเคธुเคจ เคฎเคจเคธोเค्เคค เคเค เคฎेเคाเค्เคฏा เคถเคฐीเคฐाเคถी เคेเคณเคค เคนोเคคो. เคตเคนिเคฆा เคฎाเค्เคฏा เคฎांเคกीเคตเคฐ เคฌเคธुเคจ เคเคชเคฒे เคंเคฌे เคฎाเค्เคฏा เคคोंเคกाเคค เคฆेเคค เคนोเคคी. เคฎी เคฆोเคจ्เคนी เคนाเคค เคคीเค्เคฏा เคांเคกीเคฒा เคตिเคณเคा เคाเคฒुเคจ เคงเคฐเคฒे เคนोเคคे. เคเค เคฌोเค เคคीเค्เคฏा เคांเคกीเค्เคฏा เคญोเคाเคค เคुเคธเคกुเคจ เคเคค เคฌाเคนेเคฐ เคเคฐु เคฒाเคเคฒो. เคांเคกीเคค เคฌोเค เคुเคธเคกเคฒ्เคฏाเคตเคฐ เคตเคนिเคฆा เคिเคค्เคाเคฐเคค เคนोเคคी.
เคฐे เคเคธเคฎे เคंเคเคฒी เคฎเคค เคुเคธाเคต, เคฆเคฐ्เคฆ เคนोเคคा เคนै
-เคฒेเคिเคจ เคฎुเคे เคคुเคฎ्เคนाเคฐी เคांเคก เคฌเคกी เค
เค्เคी เคฒเคเคคी เคนै.
-เคคो เคเคธเคฎे เคंเคเคฒी เคฅोเคกी เคจा เคुเคธाเคคे. เคฎुเคे เคฆเคฐ्เคฆ เคนोเคคा เคนै, เคช्เคฒी...เค. เคเคंเคฒी เคฌाเคนเคฐ เคจिเคाเคฒो.
เคชเคฃ เคฎी เคคीเค เคाเคนीเค เคเคเคฃाเคฐ เคจเคต्เคนเคคो. เคเค เคฌोเค เคชुเคฐेเคธा เคตाเค्เคค เคจเคต्เคนเคคा, เคाเคฐเคฃ เคฌोเค เคुเคธเคกเคฒ्เคฏाเคตเคฐ เคคीเค्เคฏा เค
ंเคाเคค เคตिเค เคงाเคตเคค เคนोเคคी. เคฎी เคเคคा เคฆोเคจ เคฌोเคं เคांเคกीเคค เคुเคธเคกเคตीเคฒी.
เคช्เคฒीเค, เคฐเคตी.... เค
เคฌ เคฌเคนोเคค เคฆเคฐ्เคฆ เคนो เคฐเคนा เคนै. เค
เคชเคจी เคंเคเคฒीเคฏा เคจिเคाเคฒो, เคाเคนे เคคो เคฎेเคฐी เคुเคฆ เคซाเคก เคกाเคฒो. เคฎै เคเคชเคा เคฒौเคกा เคुเคธुंเคी, เคช्เคฒीเค เคฎुเคे เคฒौเคกा เคฆो.
เคตเคนिเคฆाเคจी เคตाเคुเคจ เคฎाเคा เคฌाเคฌुเคฐाเคต เคคोंเคกाเคค เคेเคคเคฒा. เคฎी เคคिเค्เคฏा เคांเคกिเคตเคฐुเคจ เคเคชเคฒे เคฆोเคจ्เคนी เคนाเคค เคซिเคฐเคตु เคฒाเคเคฒो. เคคीเคा เคถ्เคตाเคธ เคोंเคกเคฒा เคाเคค เคนोเคคा เคคเคฐी เคฌाเคฌुเคฐाเคตเคฒा เคคोंเคกाเคคुเคจ เคฌाเคนेเคฐ เคจ เคाเคขเคคा เคฎुเคนเคुเคฆाเค เคाเคฒु เคนोเคคी.
เคคीเคी เคीเคญ เคฎाเค्เคฏा เคฌाเคฌुเคฐाเคตเคตเคฐुเคจ เคซिเคฐु เคฒाเคเคฒी, เคฎी เคฎाเคค्เคฐ เคเคชเคฒा เคฐเคฎเคा เค्เคฒाเคธ เคเคเคฒुเคจ เคคोंเคกाเคฒा เคฒाเคตเคฒा. เคตเคนिเคฆाเค्เคฏा เคคोंเคกाเคค เคฌाเคฌुเคฐाเคต, เคฎाเค्เคฏा เคคोंเคกाเคค เคฐเคฎเคा เคชेเคฒा. เคคी เคซुเคค्เคाเคฐเคค เคนोเคคी, เคฆोเคจ्เคนी เคนाเคคाเคค เคฌाเคฌुเคฐाเคต เคงเคฐुเคจ เคेเคณเคค เคนोเคคी. เคฎी เคตाเคुเคจ เคคिเคे เคंเคฌे เคงเคฐเคฒे, เคเคเคฒुเคจ เคฎांเคกिเคตเคฐ เคฌเคธเคตเคฒ เค
เคจ เคฐเคฎเคा เค्เคฒाเคธ เคคीเค्เคฏा เคเค ाเคฒा เคฒाเคตเคฒा.
-เคจเคนी เคฎुเคे เคจเคนि เคชिเคจा..
- เค
เคฐे เคฎเคा เคเคฏेเคा... เคชिเคे เคे เคคो เคฆेเค.
- เคจเคนि.....
เคคीเค เคจเคนी เค
เคจ เคฎाเคं เคชि..... เคฏाเคฎเคงे เคฎी เคคीเค्เคฏा เค
ंเคाเคตเคฐ เคฐเคฎเคा เค्เคฒाเคธ เคฐिเคเคตเคฒा. เคธเคเคณा เค
ंเค เคฐเคฎเคจी เคญเคฐเคฒं. เคฎी เคตเคนिเคฆाเค्เคฏा เคฎाเคจेเคตเคฐ เคชเคกเคฒेเคฒी เคฐเคฎ เคाเคु เคฒाเคเคฒो. เคตเคนिเคฆा เคเคธाเคธे เคाเคเคค เคนोเคคी.
เคคीเคे เคฆोเคจ्เคนी เคंเคฌे เคฆोเคจ เคนाเคคाเคค เคेเคเคจ เคธ्เคคเคจाเคตเคฐीเคฒ เคฐเคฎ เคाเคเคฃ्เคฏाเคा เคเคจंเคฆ เคेเคคाเคจा เคตเคนिเคฆा เคฎाเคค्เคฐ เคฎाเคा เคฌाเคฌुเคฐाเคต เคนाเคคाเคค เคेเคเคจ เคेเคณु เคฒाเคเคฒी.
เคถेเคตเคी เคเค ुเคจ เคเคुเคจ เคเค เค्เคฒाเคธ เคญเคฐเคฒा เคต เคตเคนिเคฆाเค्เคฏा เคคोंเคกाเคฒा เคฒाเคตเคฒा. เคเคคा เคฎाเคค्เคฐ เคคिเคा เคตिเคฐोเคง เคเคฎी เคाเคฒा. เคฆोเคेเคนी เคเคณी เคชाเคณीเคจे เคเค เคเค เคोเค เคชिเค เค
ंเคाเคे เคाเคณे เคเคฐเคค เคฌेเคกเคตเคฐ เคชเคกเคฒो.
เคฐ्เคงाเคคाเคธ เคฐเคฎเคे เคธीเคช เคฎाเคฐเคค เคเคเคฎेเคांเคจा เคตेเคोเคณे เคฎाเคฐुเคจ เคाเคฒे, เคเคคा เคชเคฐเคค เคฌाเคฌुเคฐाเคต เคाเคเค เคाเคฒा.
เคตเคนिเคฆा เคฎाเค्เคฏा เคंเคाเคตเคฐ เคฌเคธเคฒी, เคฌाเคฌुเคฐाเคต เคนाเคฅाเคค เคेเคคเคฒा เคต เคคीเค्เคฏा เคญोเคाเคค เคाเคคเคฒा. เคเคคा เคตเคนिเคฆा เคฎाเค्เคฏाเคตเคฐ เคฌเคธुเคจ เคเคตुเคจ เคेเคค เคนोเคคी. เคฎी เคाเคฒुเคจ เคงเค्เคे เคฆेเค เคฒाเคเคฒो. เคตเคนिเคฆा เคोเคฐ เคोเคฐाเคค เคเคธाเคธे เคाเคाเคฏเคी เค
เคฃ เคธ्เค्เคฐोเคเคนी เคฎाเคฐु เคฒाเคเคฒी. เคฆเคนा เคฎिเคจเคाเคค เคฅเคुเคจ เคคी เคเคกเคตी เคाเคฒी.
เคเคคा เคฎी เคคिเค्เคฏाเคตเคฐ เคเคขुเคจ เคเคต เคเคต เคเคตु เคฒाเคเคฒो. เคถेเคตเคी เคซเคตाเคฐा เคธोเคกเคฒा. เคคीเค्เคฏा เคฎांเคก्เคฏाเคตเคฐुเคจ เคฒोเค เคตाเคนु เคฒाเคเคฒे. เคคीเค्เคฏा เค
ंเคाเคตเคฐ เคชเคกुเคจ เคाเคฎाเค्เคฏा เคงाเคฐाเคจी เคिंเคฌ เคाเคฒेเคฒे เคฆोเคจ เคถเคฐीเคฐ เคเคเคฎेเคाเคจा เคเค เคฎिเค ीเคค เคงเคฐुเคจ เคถांเคค เคाเคฒे.
เคเค เคชाเคธुเคจ เคชुเคขเคे เคฆोเคจ เคฆिเคตเคธ-เคฐाเคค्เคฐ เคธเคคเคค เคจुเคธเคคं เคฆाเคฐु เคต เคाเคตाเคกเคी เคाเคฒु เคนोเคคी.
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